
Program volunteers are a vital part of the therapy team. They prepare the horse for lessons, with their assigned riders, when appropriate. An important part of Sky Riding LI lessons include opportunities for riders to groom, tack, untack and lead horses to and from the ring. Riders may arrive 20 minutes before their lesson time to help tack and groom their horse with the assigned volunteer or stay after lessons to help untack.

Volunteers assist the instructor during the lesson by leading the horse or sidewalking with the rider, and care for the horse after the lesson concludes. Program volunteers commit to a specific lesson day and time, which allows the same team of horse, rider, instructor, and volunteers to work together to achieve the rider’s goals. All program volunteers must be at least 13 years of age.

Volunteering in our program requires some physical activity, such as walking and jogging alongside the horse and rider.

Arrive early with a smile and a positive attitude to meet with assigned riders for grooming and tacking.
Volunteers assist with therapeutic riding lessons (leading the horse and/or side-walking the rider), equine assisted activities (grooming and tacking), and Social Skills groups.

Volunteer Application Form All NEW Volunteers need to fill out this form.
For more information call 516-241-2046 or email: Nancy.Tejo@SkyRidingLI.com.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Sky Riding LI!